Boldly Grown Farm

About the Business

Boldly Grown Farm is a family-owned, certified organic mixed vegetable farm in Skagit Valley, Washington. We grow and sell year-round, with our primary focus being high-quality fall and winter vegetables for wholesale markets. We also operate a 325-member winter CSA program and a year-round farm stand. We started our farm in 2015 at the Viva Farms incubator. Now located on the property we purchased in Bow, WA in 2021, we grow approximately 35 acres of vegetables plus grains, dry beans, flowers, seed crops, and eggs from our pasture-raised chickens. Boldly Grown Farm is owned and operated by Amy Frye and Jacob Slosberg. Amy grew up running around on her grandparents’ farm in Minnesota. Jacob is a Seattle native who grew up enjoying the outdoors. We spent a decade in Vancouver, BC, where we met at the Centre for Sustainable Food Systems at the University of British Columbia’s organic farm. We have two little kids and an awesome crew of employees who work with us to grow delicious food for our community!


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